Husky Mascots! Featuring Student Artwork from Highland High School: Home of the Huskies!

A s far back as the early 1920s, Siberian Huskies were symbols or mascots for schools. Many mascots originated as live sled dogs, later joined by a human dressed in a Husky costume. Siberian Huskies are not just known not for their striking beauty. They are also famous for their strength, speed, and tenacity; the same qualities valued in sports. It's no wonder the Husky is a very popular school mascot! A while back, I invited readers to submit photos of their local school Husky mascots, and/or student artwork (with school official's permission) portraying the Husky. Today, we are featuring our very first school district in this Husky Mascot series... ...a drum roll and some Husky woos for... Highland High School, dubed "Home of the Huskies," located in upstate Highland, New York! T he Highland students are very proud of their schools and of their mascot, and it shows in the beautiful artwork on display in the school. Here is a slideshow featuring the Hi...