Flashback Friday

Our FurAngel Chelsey with puppy Harley, circa 2005 I was flipping through some photographs and came across some from when Harley and Gibson were pups! What a pleasant surprise to find these - like jewels - that slipped out from between the pressed pages of a book. With everything being digital nowadays, having an actual photograph to look at versus checking one out online or on our phones is actually quite rare. I was still shooting with a film 35mm camera when Harley and a while later, Gibson joined our family, which consisted, at the time, of just one dog - our rescue German Shepherd/Akita, Chelsey who we adopted as a puppy. Reminiscing over the photos, I thought, "Wouldn't it be fun to do a 'Flashback Friday' every Friday featuring pics of my furbabies when they were pups?" They grow up so fast; it will be nice to take time to reflect upon the joy these puppies have added to our lives by featuring a different photo each Friday. Days go by so fast, som...