Happy Birthday Hu-Dad!

Wooo! It's a very special day here at the FiveSibes homestead...it's Hu-Dad's Birthday! Wooo! He's a special dad who takes care of everything behind the scenes the FiveSibes need. He helps with their rehab, carries them when their legs won't, picks up their dog food, buys them super-duper cushy beds, shares his pizza crust with them, meets Hu-Mom at the vet's when she needs an extra set of strong arms, and is always there to give love and support to whatever they need, and maybe fixes just a few things they may (ahem) chew, break, destroy, eat. Chewed up window sill? No problem! Hu-Dad will fix it! Rain getting them wet on the deck? No problem! Hu-Dad builds a roof! They need to go to the vet surgeon? No problem! Hu-Dad offers to drive them. Hu-Mom can't fit their pools in her car? No problem! Hu-Dad to the rescue! Wooos for attention? No problem! Hu-Dad is there to pet, play, and wrestle! He sure is the best Hu-Dad ever! Now...did someone say... ...