All Hail the Queen: Happy Birthday, Harley!

Our beautiful blue-eyed alpha queen Nanuk "Harley" Mari turns 12 today! Wow! I can hardly believe it was a dozen years ago she first entered our hearts and home as a 7-week old pup! My daughter always wanted a Siberian Husky, and I have to thank her for introducing me to the breed! We drove an hour south of where we live to check out the stunning black and white, blue-eyed puppy and it was instant love between her and my daughter. I remember on the ride home, it was a torrential downpour! But Harley didn't mind. She climbed up by my daughter and fell asleep as the water came down in sheets against the rear car window! Twelve. I think someone has not told Harley her r eal age, for (thankfully) s he thinks and acts like she is still a pup! What's age after all , but just a number? Full of sass and Husky attitu de, Harley is an exceptionally smart dog. Sometimes too smart! She loves to sit and listen to our conversat ions and will join in occasional ...