Thoughts of Gibson on His Rainbow Bridge Day

Four years ago today, my heart broke when I lost my furry best heart dog, Gibson. 💜 We had such a special, deep soul connection that comes along so rarely. He was a true gentle giant, a loving dog, a deep soul. Gib was a true warrior, facing and conquering challenges from his epilepsy with courage and determination, and never diminishing his zest for life. Gibson inspired me to lead a crusade in his name to this very day, including authoring two books and many articles, and becoming the face of dog treats made for dogs with epilepsy, all in an effort to help and educate others about Canine Epilepsy. His love for me, for Harley, for his whole pack family was so true. This boy loved life so much. Forever would not have been long enough to share life with this incredible dog. He truly left his big furry polar bear pawprint forever on my heart. Helen of Troy’s face may have a launched a thousand ships, but Gibson of FiveSibes face launched a worldwide awareness campa...