Live Gib Strong: November is (Canine) Epilepsy Awareness Month. Send Us Your Stories!

"I hope we can help other Epi-Dogs." N ovember is Epilepsy Awareness Month and the perfect time to talk about Canine Epilepsy (CE). As many of you know, I am the parent to an Epi- D og, my Siberian Husky, Gibson, who was diagnosed shortly after his third birthday in 2009. I have written many times about Gibson's experiences and my book, What's Wrong With Gibson? Learning About K-9 Epilepsy was based on those experiences and shared in an illustrated book perfect for young children to learn about seizures and Canine Epilepsy in a non-scary and helpful way. First, I have to say, it took me a couple years to be able to step out from behind the fear of Canine Epilepsy to actually talk about it. As any Epi- d og parent can tell you, when you are having a good day, you d o not want to even whisper it in case the "seizure monster" hear s and decide s to come back with a veng e an ce. E very moment, that turns into a day that turns into a week that turns i...