The Legacy of the Canine Heroes of 9/11

September 11, 2001. Eleven years ago the unthinkable happened. A day that will never be forgotten. Today is dedicated to all those - canine and human - who responded to the call of duty that day, and the days following, at the World Trade Center in New York City, in the Staten Island landfill, at the Pentagon in Washington, DC; and in the Pennsylvanian field. Last year on this date, Jersey City’s Liberty State Park - directly across the river from Ground Zero - was the site of a recognition ceremony organized by the Finding One Another (FOA) and held in honor of the Search and Rescue (SAR) K9 heroes who responded to a call for help that day and the ensuring weeks that followed 9/11. While a majority of the dogs of 9/11 have now journeyed across the Rainbow Bridge, the ceremony highlighted highlighted the diligence, loyalty, and devotion of those working dogs. “The most important thing for America to know about ...