Husky Rehab Update and Down With Irresponsible Backyard Breeders

Wolf home from his hospital stay. It's been a little while since we've posted here and we really miss our Bloggerville family and friends and hope to catch up with everyone's blogs soon. As many of you know, we've been rehabbing Gibson from his fall on Christmas Eve...he is now in a brace and harness sling to aid in supporting him so he can walk. He has a long road ahead of him, but he is now helping to pull himself up, and on his Birthday he even gave me the greatest gift when he managed to wobbily stand up on all fours on his own! I'm taking this as a positive sign that going Conservative Care Management/Treatment once again with this leg is the way to go. It will be a long, slow road as he only just blew out his CCL on the right leg last December (and it is quite common to blow both within a year or so of each other and he tore his left one almost a year to the month this December). He also suffers from weak hind end issues caused by his Epi-meds, and he is a...