Pet Poison Prevention Week: Do You Have the Tips? And Help Needed to Unite a Homeless Husky with its New Mom

Is your yard pet safe? Even though today is the last day of National Poison Prevention Week, we should always be alert and attempt to prevent poisoning – do you have the tips? And then there are always those accidental cases, where even with the best of intentions, pets somehow manage to find, ingest, or come in contact with poisonous substances. Do you know what to do? First and foremost – keep your vet, local emergency vet hospital, and a Poison Control number visible by your phone and listed in your cell phone. Secondly - do a safety check around your home, car, yard, garage - anywhere your pet has access to. Thirdly - be aware of what is poisonous. Some seemingly harmless items can be pose a very serious threat to your pet. According to Pet Poison Helpline, the top poisons include: Human medications, including ibuprofen and acetaminophen Insecticides (STOP, don’t spray that wasp or spider anywhere near your pet or on a surface where you pet can get ...