Newsy Tuesday: Gibson Says, Another Check Please for K-9 Epilepsy Awareness!

Epi-Husky "Gibson" of the FiveSibes says, "Thank Woo!" for helping us to raise funds for Canine Epilepsy Resources. Wooo! Gibson and I are so happy to announce that we recently raised $180 more through our "Live Gib Strong" K-9 Epilepsy Awareness Campaign for the Canine Epilepsy Resources ' EPIL-K9 Foundation for "Emma's Fund" bringing total contributions to date to $250! The campaign is on-going and a percentage of proceeds from my book will continue for the life of the book, so hopefully, our donations will continue to add up! The campaign consists of a percentage of proceeds from my children's book, What's Wrong With Gibson? Learning About K-9 Epilepsy, awareness bracelets, t-shirts, and straight donations. Our "Gib Check" So a huge "Thank You!" to all of you who help us promote Canine Epilepsy Awareness by purchasing my book and "Live Gib Strong" K-9 Epilepsy Awa...