National Homeless Pets Day

Today is National Homeless Pets Day. It's sad to think of how many pets are left homeless each day whether it is from losing their Hu-parent, having the Hu-family moving to where pets are not allowed, runaway pets, abandoned pets, etc. For whatever reason, too many animals wind up in shelters and rescues in numbers so large it can be mind-blowing. While many of us pet parents, Sibe owners and owners of other breeds, have obtained our "kids" from breeders, let us not forget the large number who go into homes as pups and then wind up later on at rescues and shelters, and are wonderful, loving dogs in need of an equally loving Hu-family. Case in point: last October my mother lost her 15-year furry companion "Joy," a toy black Poodle. Two weeks ago my Mom adopted an adorable senior white Poodle who had lived in South Carolina with her longtime Hu-mom. Sadly, the owner entered a nursing home and her furbaby, at age 8, was left homeless. The Poodle made the trek cross...