Goodbye Gibson ~ I'll Love You, Forever

It is with a broken heart that I now share that my beautiful, strong Epidog, "Gibson," has earned his angel wings. Epilepsy did NOT define him, nor did it take him from this earth. He was a strong, brave, and inspirational boy who did not let challenges stop him from loving life. Each health challenge he met head on, trust me that I would be by his side, and he conquered each one. And at the end, Gibson beat the "seizure monster." His epilepsy was managed by medications and supplements, and Gibson was sei zure free for almost 7 years! Bravo, Gibson! Today, while in surgery, it was discovered that Gibson's tumor had metastasized. It was not just in the spleen. It was all over, including an orange-sized tumor in his liver. Gibson was gently and peacefully let go as the heavenly angels came to escort him North of the Rainbow Bridge. I know my mother who just passed away on November 15, now has him wrapped safely in her loving arms. She was with us the d...