November is (Canine) Epilepsy Month and It's Survey Time and Debut of Gibson's Epi-Tips!

November is National Epilepsy Awareness Month and Gibson and I will be featuring lots of information, resources, and giveaways this month as as part of our "Live Gib Strong" K-9 Epilepsy Awareness Campaign , so be sure to check back here throughout the month, and bring your friends, too! To kick things off, we are conducting a survey to poll Epi-dog parents in order to collect information that we will share with everyone once all the analytics are in. If you, or someone you know, is or has been a parent to a dog (any breed) who has/had Canine Epilepsy or seizure disorders, we'd really appreciate your taking a few minutes to fill out my survey below, and sharing a link to our blog so that others may also share their info with us as well. Thank you! I will also be featuring a "Live Gib Srong" Epi-Tip each day for the month of November (and we'll repeat it again in March for Purple Day Awareness Month) in an ongoing effort to bring awareness to this ...