To Go in the Pool or Not on #FlashbackFriday!

Flashback Photo ~ Gibson ~ Summer 2015 Summertime was always lots of fun at our FiveSibes homestead! It meant pool time! Now, not all five of my Sibes were thrilled to get wet (it's a Husky thing), Harley and Gibson L-O-V-E-D the pool and hose! It's a funny and fond memory remembering how when I brought out the hose, Harley would be first in the pool! (Gibson would get in the empty pool and wait for it to be filled with water.) "Summer means happy times and good sunshine." ~Brian Wilson Flashback Photo ~ Wolf, Chloe, Bandit & Harley ~ Summer 2016 As you can see from the above photo. .. while Harley was always first Husky in...our Pupsters Wolfie, Chloe, and Bandit, would run off the deck and wait down below for it to all be over! Actually, they'd wait for the hose to be turned off and then Bandit and Wolfie would come up and hop in the kiddie pool, while Chloe never left her "safe" spot down below in the yard! That girl did not like the poo...