Ho! Ho! Ho! Santa Came! Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Our Christmas Card to all our Furpals! There was so much excitement here when Santa came to visit our Sibe kids! We hope you enjoy this video of Santa's arrival, the initial meet-and-greet, and then the out takes from the photo shoot! We had so much fun! And a very special "thank woo" to Kathleen, a/k/a "Santa!" Before Santa left, the FiveSibes wooed into his ear their Christmas wish (and thanks RumpyDog for posting it on your blog!) All of us here at the FiveSibes' household wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas! We look forward to another year of wonderful frie ndships and sharing th at special connection we have with all of you! Bloggerville is a great place to "live! " May your season be bright, full of happiness and good cheer! Merry Christmas!