"Freedom 46"

You most likely have heard the recent news about the "Freedom 46" - the 46 dogs (mainly Cocker Spaniels, plus a few other breeds) the Oldies But Goodies (OBG) Cocker Rescue helped to rescue from a property in Virginia. It just boggles the mind that people can treat animals in this manner...we hear story after story, and in this case, these poor dogs were residing in a "hot barn without anyone to give them proper exercise or keep their water dishes filled. Many were covered with their own feces and urine. OBG worked with Animal Control and with the support of the Virginia Federation of Humane Societies to remove these dogs from that property," states Teresa Butler, the president of the OBG. "The dogs rescued from this property are now safely boarding with veterinarians that work with OBG and will be evaluated by veterinarians over the course of the next week with the goal of moving them into foster homes as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, we do n...