My Dogs Are Cool...Are Yours? Be the Change for Animals and Keep Them Safe From the Heat

My dogs are cool…are yours? Harley is one cool Husky. Okay, so we’re bragging a little…our dogs ARE cool…but I will get to why in just a moment. First, before we start talking about why our dogs cool, let's talk about what the significance of today is. Today is "Blog the Change for Animals," which is part of "Be the Change for Animals (BtC4A)," and we are joining other pet lovers and advocates across the globe to Blog the Change about a cause that is important to us. Be the Change! According to BtC4A, Blog the Change is when we, the pet community, "Come together to support people helping animals in need each 15th of January, April, July and October. Bloggers, write about a cause near and dear to your heart." Previously, I have blogged about Canine Epilepsy Awareness , which is very near and dear to my heart, and Helping Huskies in Need . I've also participated in Blog the Change for Animals about Pet Fire Safety and ...