Honoring Veterans and War Dogs

With Memorial Day weekend upon us, it is time to take a moment to thank all of our veterans - past and present; here and gone; human and canine; for their great sacrifices. Since World War I, canines have played a large part in history. Known as "war dogs," these courageous canines, accompanied by their handlers, have bravely assisted our soldiers in so many ways; from tracking to bomb sniffing. For more interesting facts, videos, documentaries, stamp project information, and much more on the war dogs, visit the United States War Dog Association's website at www.uswardogs.org. Canines also played a large part in the 9/11 rescue operation. A wonderful tribute book, accompanied by some awesome photographs, of America's search and rescue dogs is Dog Heroes of September 11th. To our veterans and veteran war dogs, we say "Thank you!" for all you've done. Pictured above ready to celebrate Memorial Day is "Wolf," our two-year-old whi...