It's Back to School Your Pet Ready?

Bandit is ready for school! Even though we have a few more weeks left until summer is officially over, Back-to-School season really winds down the summer for many. With all the business of shopping for school items and drives to settle college kids into their dorms, try not to forget the furkids in all of the excitement. After spending all summer playing and lazing around with the family, the excitement of back-to-school can translate into stress for our family pets. To help pets adjust to the sudden empty-house syndrome, try preparing them a few days before. Here are just a few tips: Gibson doesn't want to trade the pool for school yet! If your dog is now going to be alone all day, do a sample run-through of what the new typical work/school day will be. By doing this with your dog a few days before, it will let your pet become accustomed to the new routine before the new routine actually starts. Let your dog escort your child with you to the bu...