Playing Catch Up - A Gibson Update

"Have you missed me? I've missed you all!" My apologies for not being around much in's been a little crazy with rehabbing Gibson from his fall, sudden bouts of his vomiting and overheating, and my meeting the deadline for my next book on Canine Epilepsy. I do miss you guys, and plan to get around and visit your blogs as soon as I can! Update on my boy Gibson... Gib getting comfy for his laser session! With Gibson being an Epi-Husky (canine epileptic), he is on meds and supplements and we like to say he is "managed." But as any Epi-parent can attest to, it is an emotional roller coaster ride of the unknown. Gibson does go through the occasional setback from the side effects of those meds and supplements that he is on, such as a weak hind and bouts of vomiting and ataxia. Then, this past Christmas Eve, he slipped on a snow-covered patch of ice while playing with is little sister Bandit in the freshly falling snow, and he went ...