You scream, I scream, even Sibes scream for ice cream!

J uly is National Ice Cream month, and yummm-eee…today is an especially delicious holiday – National Ice Cream Day – as our anipals at Tails of the Tundra Siberian Husky Rescue pointed out earlier in the day. What a great holiday, don’t you agree??? While you grab yourself some of that cool and creamy tasty treat, don‘t forget our canine pals love it also! So pop open your freezer or jump in the car (or take a walk if it’s not too hot where you live) and surprise your furry pals with a nice special summertime treat in honor of today! As a matter of fact, we have a whole month to enjoy it! At the FiveSibes abode, the fave flavor is vanilla, either a soft-serve vanilla cone from our local drive-through or spoonsful from a carton of all natural vanilla ice cream. Did I mention yummm-eee? Pictured above, Harley and Gibson share a cone at our neighborhood MickyD’s after a nice cool car ride. Hmmmm…no wonder they really enjoy car rides, they know what’s at the end! If you’re wondering wh...