Fire Safety Month: We Joined the "Bark 10-4" Campaign

October is National Fire Safety Month and along with all the firefighters and fire trucks that have been rolling out to community schools to teach children about fire awareness and safety, it’s also a good time to think about fire emergencies for our pets. Launched this month is “ Bark10-4 ,” whose goal it is to help fire departments nationwide obtain the much needed pet oxygen mask. Pictured here, Harley our blog “fire dog” model, is all dressed and ready to assist in spreading the word about pet oxygen masks. According to Bark10-4, “ More than 500,000 pets are affected by fires each year; and over 40,000 pets each year die of smoke asphyxiation.” Let’s try to lower those numbers. To do so, I’d like to expand upon the topic of pet CPR that I touched on several blogs back. Let’s run through this I-hope-it-never-happens scenario: There is a fire emergency and your pet is overcome by smoke inhalation. You’ve performed CPR and the fire department has arrived. Her...