And What a Party it Was!

Gibson had such a fun birthday and wants to thank everyone for all the great happy wishes! Here's a photo recap of his extremely fun day. Thanks for celebrating with us, and if you haven't entered to win our birthday book giveaway, click HERE to bring you to the Rafflecopter, where you can by following the prompts before 12:01 AM on Monday, January 10th to win a copy of my illustrated What's Wrong With Gibson? Learning About K-9 Epilepsy FiveSibes™ Tale! First, the day began with a little tug o'war, Sibe style! Followed by a trip to the vet for tons of Birthday greetings and his tri-weekly K-Laser treatments. And then it was party time! A new toy for Gibson and ice cream cake for all! "Seconds???" What's next - more games???!!! Time for some good ol' fashioned Sibe toy stuffin' rippin'!!! Thank you for sharing in Gibson's Birthday! Don't forget to enter in his birthday book giveaway - click HERE ! And ...