"Canine Cooking Corner" Visits CBS Video Vault and a Dog Chef!

It all sounds good to food hobbyist Chloe! F or this installment of "Canine Cooking Corner," while I don't have a FiveSibes video this week, I do have an item I came across that I'd like to share. It's from a 2005 news video from the CBS "Early Show," as reported by the show's resident vet, Dr. Debbye Turner, called "'Bone' Appetite" that features dog chef and author Micki Voisard, who discussed home cooking for dogs. Perfect for this column, wouldn't you say? Ms. Voisard, who is also the founder of Dog Chefs of America , whips up delectable dishes for dogs and holds canine cooking classes world wide! Pretty cool. I hope she has one in our area sometime soon! J ust a quick reminder that no matter what type of diet your canine companion is on, it's always wise to check with the vet before changing/altering your dog's nutritional intake. A nd while we are on the subject of food...with another holiday once again...