Blog the Change for Animals: Trooper Husky Rescue and National Pet Fire Safety Day

Today is National Pet Fire Safety Day sponsored by the American Kennel Club and ADT Security Systems. Our honorary firedog "Harley" is here to remind everyone that prevention and preparedness are key to your pet's safety. Check out our past blog post HERE for some tips, videos, and info on pet fire safety, pet oxygen masks, and how you can get your free pet window cling. And let's be safe out there. via FiveSibes: Siberian Husky K9 News & Reviews It is also Blog the Change for Animals Day. Since last year we wrote about National Pet Fire Safety Day, we thought we'd share the link again this year above...and also use this day to talk about the Trooper Husky Rescue in Oneida, New York. Trooper Husky Rescue is a no-kill Siberian Husky and Malamute special needs rescue operation, taking in those with medical problems or special needs, including being heartworm positive, having diabetes, seizures, being a tripawd, etc. "We also...