What's in Santa's Toy Sack for the Sibes? Kong® Wobblers, Classics, & More!

Gibson having fun with the Kong® Wobbler! Well, Christmas is almost here...and you can feel the excitement in the air! The Huskies sense something wondrous is about to arrive. Their eyes have been big and bright and there is extra energy in their steps! Each time we enter a room or go outside with them, it's like they are waiting for "it." Hopping, jumping, wooing, kissing, all in a group Sibe-family effort to get at "it." Whatever "it" is! Well, "it" is the excitement of Christmas almost upon us! I think they know a huge box stuffed with Santa Paws' gifts for them has arrived ahead of the sleigh and is parked in our family room. (Santa just can't carry all the goodies on his sleigh, so the furry elves in the North Pole sent it on ahead!) Chloe enjoying her "Classic" Kong© I have to admit, I just love setting up their stockings, checking out new toys that they would love (and hopefully stand the tough testing of a...