Veterans Day - Thanking and Honoring All K-9 Veterans and Their Partners

Harley pays homage to K-9 veterans. The Soldier Dog by Joe Ferra I was trained to use my eyes to watch and protect you from harm. My ears to alert you of impending danger like an alarm. My keen sense of smell to detect an enemy close at bay. Yes I was a soldier who gave my life so you could fight another day. So remember me as time goes by This soldier dog so true. For I had only one life to give and I gave that life to you. Today is Veterans Day. On this date, 11-11-11, at the 11th hour...let's all pause for a moment to reflect upon the services and sacrifices our veterans - both human and canine - give, and have given in the past, so we all can have the everyday freedoms we all so enjoy. We thank you. Canine soldiers hold an important role in our history. According to the U.S. War Dogs Association , “Military Working Dogs have been used by the U.S. Military since World War I. American families donate...