Rx for Stress: Belly Rubs and Love

I just recently read an article on Petplace.com about how pets help their owners deal with stress. There is much documented proof of how pets help reduce blood pressure, cheer up the elderly, help the ill, etc., of which I wholeheartedly concur. Recently, I have had to deal with some things that have sent my stress levels soaring. You know, when one of life's wake-up calls come screaming, "Hey, you, it’s time to think about you ." Now, it’s my ingrained personality to always think of and help others first. This "me" thing is not my thing. So, naturally, it begs the question, "How do I learn to reduce stress and learn to live with it in a healthier manner?" Well, thanks to both my Hu-family and my Sibe-family (and the cat that adopted us!), I’m learning some answers that work best for me. First, I’m blessed to have a great immediate family. And then there are our Sibes and our cat. The Sibes automatically hone right in on when on...