Celebrating Fellow Epi-Dog Gibbs' 365-Days of Being Seizure Free!

W oo! We are thrilled to share the news and celebrate with Tracy Smith, whose handsome Epi-dog (dog with epilepsy) and Therapy Dog, "Gibbs," turned over one year seizure free on the first of this month! Woo-hoo! Go, Gibbs! Gibbs and his hu-mom have the GIBBS-erish...Making Sense of Canine Epilepsy Facebook group , (if you have an Epi-dog and haven't joined, please do!) and are also big advocates of dogs living with epilepsy. Gibbs' Facebook Group! Sometimes, especially caregivers to dogs with special needs, really need to hear wonderful news, and this is the Best! Gibbs, here's a giant toast to you, and a wish for another 365 days seizure free! Gibbs was one of my featured NEAM Epi-Stars, and you can read more about this amazing Epi-dog HERE . Epi-dogs rock! There is always hope! For more, check out our always free #LiveGibStrong Online K-9 Epilepsy Resource Library (Gibbs' page is in there, too!) Back to our Home Page and Don't Forget to Visit O...