"Weight Loss With a Wag" Book Tour Interview with Author & Pet Parent Peggy Frezon

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Kelly the dog inspires Hu-Mom to diet, get healthy, and write a book about it all! Hot off the presses, our Chloe girl snatched the copy of Peggy Frezon's (of Peggy's Pet Place blog ) Dieting with my Dog : One Busy Life; Two Full Figures and Unconditional Love when it arrived from Amazon.com . Now, sometimes I tease sweet Chloe and call her "chunky monkey" because she is always hungry...so when she snagged the book right between her teeth and headed for the sofa, I wondered if I had hurt her feelings. Now, honestly, Chloe is not chunky, she is rather fit. But I do worry about her with her very voracious appetite, that she could get heavy. I am always watching and worrying about her older brother Gibson, who has an ongoing weight issue due to medications he is on, and have added lots of healthy add-ins and snacks to help keep him full. This, of course, has rolled over into all of the FiveSibes™ diet, which is a good thing. Speak...