Spring Has Sprung on Memory Lane on a #FiveSibes Flashback Friday!

It's almost hard to believe after our big blizzard, that almost all of the two feet of snow has now disappeared, and just four days ago, we welcomed in the first day of spring! Time sure does fly. Above is one of my favorite action photographs of my furangel Gibson, taken one spring long before his weak hind end issues began. He ran freely ahead of the pack, so full of happiness and joy as he felt the new spring in his every step! Ah, this is a dog's true happiness, and mine to behold such a sight! How I miss those days, but am so grateful I have them embedded in my memory for all days, pulling them out like a book on a shelf, to relive and smile at all over again. "It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade." ~Charles Dickens, Great Expectations Please don't forget our upcoming FiveSibes #LiveGibStrong 3rd Annual Purple Day® for Epilepsy ...