Flashback Friday: Epi-Star Gibson and An EPIc Christmas Book Publication!

My beautiful boy... "Gibson" Les Paul of Mystic Mountain Since this is the last day of November, (K9) Epilepsy Awareness Month, I'm dedicating this Flashback Friday to my beautiful Epi-Star, Gibson. Even with all the ups and downs of life with Canine Epilepsy, I would walk the same journey with him all over again. Thanks to Gibson, I have met so many wonderful and amazing Epi-dogs and their beloved humans from across the globe that I am so proud to call my friends. Some, like my Gibson, have gone on to earn their furangel wings, but shall remain in our hearts forever. In the above Flashback Friday photo, it was Christmas 2014, and we had the first printed advance copies of my book, EPIc Dog Tales: Heartfelt Stories About Amazing Dogs Living & Loving Life With Canine Epilepsy i n our hot little paws! What a thrill that was to have the actual printed book! EPIc Dog Tales was a true labor of love and I'm so very proud of it. And to be ab...