Three Day Quote Challenge - Day Two: Dreams

Another of my favorite quotes from Pulitzer Prize winner, Marsha Norman, and one of my favorite photographs I shot of Harley. "Dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you." What is your soul writing about you? I was nominated by All Things Collie to participate in this challenge. Please see yesterday's post for my Day 1 quote, photo, and nominees. There are three rules to this challenge, and they are: 1. Post for three consecutive days. 2. Choose and share one or three quotes each day. 3. Challenge three additional bloggers each day. Today, I nominate: 1. A Husky Life 2. 24 Paws of Love 3. Two French Bulldogs Be sure to stop back tomorrow for our final Day 3 of the 3-Day Quote Challenge and our three new nominees, plus it's our Flashback Friday Blog Hop! Hope you'll join us!