Flashback Friday #7: Pupsters' First Bath

The Pupster Cuddlebugs: Baby Chloe, Wolf, and Bandit This is one of my favorite photos of The Pupsters' taken right after their first bath! They fell asleep in what my daughter dubbed the "puppy pileup" - a tradition they would keep! They always loved to sleep all cuddled up to and on top of each other, and when it's chilly, they still do snuggle together! Even though Chloe has remained the real cuddle bug of the bunch, snuggling up to not only her sibemates, but one of her favorite spots to be right up against big wooly brother Gibson! Bonds connecting souls In sweet innocence of youth Fills the heart with warmth. ~Dorothy Wills-Raftery Grab our badge and join in! To catch up on past Flashback Fridays, visit us here: Flashback Friday #6: The Originals Flashback Friday #5: Mothe rhood Flashback Friday #4: Puppy Power Flashback Friday #3: A Queen is Born! Flashback Friday #2 : Welcome Home Gibson ...