Book Nook Time: For the Love of Dogs

Harley loves being read to! I love books. Always have. And the FiveSibes really seem to enjoy them too! They love to inspect the packages I receive in the mail, eagerly sniffing at the crisp pages of a new book. And, just like children, they seem to really love being read to. They eagerly listen as voice breathes life into the written words, and every now and again they will sound off their interest with a few "woos" if I pause too long between pages. A FivesSibe Four-Paw Rating! R ecently, we were treated to a "paw"some read when we received a complimentary copy of For the Love of Dogs: An A-Z Primer for Dog Lovers of All Ages, which is cleverly written by Allison Weiss Entrekin (managing editor of Doggie Aficionado Magazine ) and wonderfully illustrated by Mark Anderson, with a foreword that emphasizes positive reinforcement training by Victoria Stilwell , renowned canine trainer and host of "It's Me or the Dog." This hardcover book publis...