Of Rainbows, Sunsets, and Roos

Earlier tonight, the sky here was simply amazing...a gorgeous sunset and breathtaking double rainbow, with one being a full arc across our river. My daughter and I were walking to our car when we were treated to nature's spectacular show of beauty. We truly felt like we had witnessed something great. We were equipped with our camera phones only, but very thankful for modern technology and someone having the good smarts to include a phone! We hope you enjoy the video and our wishes for a great kickstart to an even better weekend! Happy Friday! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * And this weekend, if you are looking for a good read, check out blogger pal, Carol Wyer's Facing 50 with Humour blog where there is a huge book release party going on for her new book, Mini Skirts and Laughter Lines . Carol's writing is sure to put quite a few smiles, and maybe even some laughter lines, on your face! Oh, be sure to stop by the "Snug" room for some laughs a...