Wait! Who Sees You When You're Sleeping, Wrapping, or Being Naughty or Nice?

Wolf realized that apparently Santa Paws is not the only one who sees them when they're sleeping, wrapping, naughty, or nice! Can you spot who is keeping an eye on Wolfie in this Flashback Friday photo from 2014?! And...did your keen eye notice our cool wrapping paper? Yup! Featuring none other than our cartoonized FiveSibes! Pretty cool, right?! (You can tell it's the howlidays as we seem to have a little gift wrapping theme going on with our posts! Wednesday's post was all about wrapping up Christmas)! "When we recall Christmas past, we usually find that the simplest things - not the great occasions - give off the greatest glow of happiness." ~Bob Hope We Want to Know! So, keeping with our Flashing Back theme, also from 2014, brothers Wolf and Gibson would love to know... You're Invited! Join in our weekly FiveSibes Flashback Friday Blog Hop and share your pets' pics from yesteryear or yesterday! Gra...