Flashback Friday: Waiting for Spooky Howloween!

"Hold on, man. We don't go anywhere with 'scary,' 'spooky,' 'haunted,' or 'forbidden' in the title." ~Shaggy, from Scooby-Doo We love Howloween here! Okay, in full disclosure, we love Halloween TREATS here! Anything with pumpkin, apple, and spice! Mmmm.... Today's flashback is from a few Howloween's ago when our girl Bandit was patiently waiting for us to carve a Husky in the freshly picked pumpkin upon our return from the pumpkin patch! What do you and your pets like best about Howloween? Do you have a photo from your pet's past that you'd like to share? Come stroll down Memory Lane with us here at FiveSibes and join in our Flashback Friday blog hop (we are open all week, so join in any time)! Just post your pic on your blog, grab our badge from below (yes, that's Gibson & little bro, pupster Wolfie!) & link to our blog, then join the blog hop below so others can come visit ...