Wolfie, Thief of My Heart on a #FlashbackFriday

#Flashback ~ September 15, 2013 ~ Wolfie Today, this precious photo of my now furangel boy Wolf popped up in my Facebook feed from 2013...nine years ago, today. My caption was "My baby boy Wolf just steals my heart." Sigh. I just stopped and gazed it for a long while. He was just four years old when I took this photo of him. Oh, how I loved how he used to make himself right at home in bed. When it was hot int he summer, he'd be all stretched out like this in front of the a/c. And, he loved his Lamb Chop! I am still going through those painful "firsts" with his loss - this was the first summer without him, now we are heading into my first Autumn without him. Autumn (besides snowy winter) was our favorite time of year for colorful walks where he'd explore the woods around us. Loss is hard, but everything in that first year following is truly tough. I used to joke that he was my teenager because he loved to sleep! I like to think he is happily resting now wh...