Uniting for Rights of Dogs and A Gift Pack Giveaway

Today is a very important day in the Blogisphere...it's Bloggers Unite for the Rights of Dogs day. The Be the Change for Animals (BtC4A) has proudly partnered with Blog Catalog and Dog Rescue Success ...and all of us..."to harness a global online community to help save the lives of dogs in need." Since this is such an important issue, today's post is a tad on the long side, but filled with lots of info, available Huskies from rescues, and even a prize pack giveaway! So kick back, put your feet up, gather your pets around and please read this longer than usual post. You'll be glad you did! So what does all this Uniting for the Rights of Dogs mean? It means that while one voice for the rights of dogs is commendable, many voices joining together is what it will take to make change and benefit dogs and future generations of dogs by uniting now against puppy mills and pledging "No Pet Store Puppies." My family has adopted shelter and rescue animals...