Paws for Purple Day for Epilepsy

Are you wearing purple? We sure hope so because today is Purple Day® for Epilepsy Awareness! There is so much to share all in an effort to promote awareness for those who live with Epilepsy--humans, canines, cats, horses, even the Easter Bunny (yes, rabbits)! We here at FiveSibes will be focusing on Canine Epilepsy and our #LiveGibStrong K-9 Epilepsy Awareness Campaign, where we share information, resources, and support to other families who are on this journey with their Epi-dogs. Woo! Coffee for Hu-Mom! So grab a cup of coffee, tea, or whatever your preferred drink may be, call over your furbabies, and snuggle in for awhile for this is a lengthy post, but full of so many important things! Be sure to bookmark this page and come back later to check out all the informative links. And you won't want to miss the videos below! (You may need a tissue or two!) As many of you know, my beautiful Siberian Husky, Gibson, was diagnosed shortly after his t...