Even in this Sibe Household, June is "Adopt a Cat Month" or Maybe "Cat Adopt a Human Month!"

Chloe spots a visitor in the yard.. . "Harley, who is that kitty with Smokie?" "Chloe, if I can't eat it or chase it, I don't care." "Wooo...Harley, he's getting really close..." "Wooo...Smokie, who is your new little furpal?" "Meowwww. Why Chloe, that's my new friend Binx. He's homeless, just like I was." Binx...come join our family! Gibson says "hi" to Smokie. So the story of our kitties goes like this. Over three years ago, a starving and frightened long-haired gray kitten (a/k/a the honorary Husky cat), whom we named Smokie, sauntered by our house and met my daughter who immediately felt sorry for the beautiful, although very skinny stray. She fed her some salmon, and well, as they say, the rest is history! She never left us. I had checked the lost and found in the papers, the announcement board at the vet's, called several other area vet's and the SPCA to see if there...