Tips to Keep Pets Safe and Happy This Fourth of July and a Tribute to Two Furpals

Please remember that in the upcoming days there will be many Fourth of July activities going on across the U.S.A. and we should be considerate of our pets and how the sights and sounds of fireworks can affect them. Here are a few tips to help keep our pets safe so we can all enjoy a safe and happy holiday. Please be safe and have a very Happy Fourth of July ! * * * * * * * * * I'd like to dedicate today's blog to two beautiful furpals who have now earned their silver wings... "Thunder" of The OP Pack ...And... "Mustang" Dakota Red of the Beck Family While we are all watching the fireworks this July 4th, the two brightest, most colorful and beautiful displays will be these two shining Sibe stars letting us know they are celebrating North of the Rainbow Bridge , and will always be with their loved ones in spirit.