Goodbye, Sweet Smokie

We are so sad to announce that our sweet Smokie earned her furangel wings and crossed the Rainbow Bridge suddenly today. I received a phone call this morning that she was hit by a car right around the corner from our house. A good samaritan (who did not hit her), named Gwen, stopped, picked her up, brought her to our vet, who rushed her into emergency surgery. Both Gwen and our vet called me to let me know what happened. Smokie did not make it...she passed from a brain hemorrhage, but our vet assured us that she did not suffer. My daughter and I are devastated. We were with her as she began her journey to the Rainbow Bridge, even though she had already passed. As many of you know, Smokie was a starving, abandoned young cat when my daughter rescued her. She has been a loving part of our lives for over four years. She loved to roll in the grass, get her tummy rubbed, and we always joked that she was our "watch" cat as she was always patrolling and sunning herself in the...