Pomp & Circumstance on a #FiveSibes Flashback Friday!

Since this is graduation weekend for many school districts, I thought it fitting to pay homage by flashing back 11 years to a celebratory Friday in June of 2006 when my daughter graduated and my six-month-old puppy Gibson (pre-wooly coat) was enjoying all the pomp and partying! What a wonderful day! I would like to take a moment to congratulate all the graduates who are getting ready for the next exciting leg of their lives and send along best wishes for much success! "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." ~Eleanor Roosevelt Join Us!!! Do you have a photo from your pet's past that you'd like to share? Come stroll down Memory Lane with us here at FiveSibes and join in our Flashback Friday blog hop (we are open all week)! Just post your pic on your blog, grab our badge (yes, that's Gibson & little bro, pupster Wolfie!) & link to our blog, then join the blog hop below so others can come visit an...