It's Almost Howl-o-ween: Show us Your Treat Jar for Pets & Let's Be Safe Out There

Woooo! Gibson sees something strange in the neighborhoood... Halloween is almost upon us, and the FiveSibes are ready to do some tricks or treating of their own - Husky style! While they don't out with the neighborhood kids, they still do know how to have a spooktacular time! Here, in virtual costume, they treat us to a video of their superb Sibe dancing skills as they get the party Howl-o-ween party started! And here's Wolf up to some tricks (helping himself to some treats while the others are busy playing! Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky!) Our blogpals the Cybersibes , are doing something extra spooktacular for Halloween, they are hosting a Show Us Your Treat Jar event where our furkids can blog about their own favorite treat jars, AND also us hu-parents are encouraged to donate some treats to our local pet shelter! What a great idea! Be sure to stop by Cybersibes and check out all the links by the participants...