Happy Easter! Here Comes the Easter FiveSibes!

Here comes the Siberian Cotton Tails, wooing down the Bunny Trail. .. We just loved all the wonderful furpals from around the World who joined us in last year's Easter Parade of Pets, that we just had to share again this year! You may even recognize a few beautiful furry faces! And as you get ready to have some fun this Easter Sunday, just as a reminder, here's a repeat of some safety tips for us all to keep in mind while celebrating this holiday to ensure it's a happy one for all. After the baskets have been found and the egg hunt is over, while dinner is being prepared and guests are arriving, please keep an eye out for the following dangers: Keep pets behind gates, doors, or in kennels as guest arrive & depart so pets don't pull a Houdini and escape Easter plants and flowers, i.e. lillies Easter basket grass (better yet, don't use it; use crumpled up tissue paper) Easter basket toys Chocolate (and be careful where those chocolate eg...