Scrub-A-Dub-Dub, A Husky in the (Empty) Tub!

Wooo! Harley here. Mom's busy editing a book tonight, so I'm stepping in to blog for her! So, Mom bought us a new tub since Chloe, Gibson, and I have all injured our legs and she didn't want us to get hurt in the house tub because we really don't like's all echo-y and we give the groomer a really hard time (well, not Gibson. He's an angel and loves to be bathed). So we have a new walk-in tub all of our own. Well, I liked it so much I decided to check it out, so I climbed in and made myself pretty comfy...even with a leg brace on! I really think Chloe wanted to climb in, but I told her it was all mine. And since I'm the alpha queen and the pack momma, she didn't argue with me. is good. I love this new bathtub bed. I love it so much, I think I'll take a nap! Zzzzzzzzzzz....