Bellin for Ambassador! Helping a Rescued Husky Help Other Animals in Need

We are lending our support to beautiful Siberian Husky "Bellin" in his campaign to become El Rey Fido Ambassador for the San Antonio Humane Societ y! The mission of the SAHS is: "to protect and improve the lives of dogs and cats by providing shelter, care, adoption, rescue, spay and neuter programs, and community education." To become crowned El Rey Fido Ambassador , a canine and human duo "must collect the most money for the pets at the San Antonio Humane Society (SAHS) than any other canine-and-human pair." The winner will be the Ambassador for the SAHS for the year and participate in various events and make appearances. "Bellin" Team Bellin's goal is to raise $10,000 and currently they have raised over $7,100. Let's help them reach their goal! Bellin is a perfect candidate to become Amabassador! Do you know Bellin's amazing rescue to recover to therapy Husky story? According to Team Bellin: ...