Flashback Friday #15: Chloe's First Christmas!

Pupster Chloe totally enjoyed opening gifts here in her First Ch ristmas when she was 11 months old! Her favorite part? All the wrappings from which she made a bed out of for herself! A Puppy's 12 Days of Christmas On the first day of Christmas my puppy gave to me The Santa topper from the Christmas tree. On the second day of Christmas my puppy gave to me Two leaking bubble lights And the Santa topper from the Christmas tree. On the third day of Christmas my puppy gave to me Three punctured ornaments Two leaking bubble lights And the Santa topper from the Christmas tree. On the fourth day of Christmas my puppy gave to me Four broken window candles Three punctured ornaments Two leaking bubble lights And the Santa topper from the Christmas tree. On the fifth day of Christmas my puppy gave to me Five chewed-up stockings Four broken window candles Three punctured ornaments Two leaking bubble lights And the Santa topper fro...